San Diego Housing Federation

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National CORE Receives International Award for its Work in Creating Sustainable Communities

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA – National Community Renaissance (National CORE) has received the 2017 Real Estate Management Excellence (REME) Award for Sustainability Programs within the Workplace Environment. The award, presented by the Institute of Real Estate Management during its recent Global Summit in Chicago, recognizes innovative company business practices for sustainability programs that drive operational excellence. REME Awards are highly coveted, with companies around the world competing for top honors.

“This year’s finalists run the gamut from regional to international in scope, covering both residential and commercial sectors, and they come from the US to Canada to China,” the Institute said in a statement. “But what they all have in common is a commitment to professionalism, innovation, and advancing the real estate management industry.”

National CORE, one of the nation’s largest and most respected nonprofit community builders, was honored for its work in providing high-quality affordable housing, long-term management and maintenance, and the support services that transform lives and entire communities.

“We started this program when California was in the throes of a historic drought, and thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our maintenance, property management, and asset management teams, we were able to show immediate and lasting savings,” said Steve PonTell, President and Chief Executive Officer of National CORE. “Part of our mission of transforming the communities we serve is the development and implementation of conservation programs that maintain the health and stability of our neighborhoods.”

Said Daniel Lorraine, National CORE’s Senior Vice President of Property Management, “We’re honored to receive such a prestigious award, reflecting an extraordinary commitment and hard work on the part of our entire team.”

About National CORE, Hope through Housing: National Community Renaissance, based in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit developers of affordable housing. National CORE manages nearly 9,000 affordable, senior and market-rate units in California, Arkansas, Texas and Florida. Over its nearly two decade history, the Hope through Housing Foundation has provided more than 2 million hours of transformational social services such as financial literacy training, senior wellness, and preschool and afterschool programs. For more information on National CORE and Hope through Housing, please visit